Why create? Why paint, draw, print, sew, or make anything? It is a time-honored tradition to create, it is what we do, as humans and have done for millenia, and will continue to do. It is a form of invention, from our own minds, our own spin- so to speak, on what gives us pleasure, or how we view the world. What we create matters. How we live matters. Sometimes the two are the same, as we navigate our purpose in this world, living with Art and the forms that come with that, enable us to live a life more enjoyable and more rooted in a depth where we can explore our own emotion, physical being and surrounds. Or we can find enjoyment in the beauty of what we create. Making ART doesn’t have to have a capital A. Art with a small a- where we do our own thing, our own work that enhance our life or others is CAPITAL! Go make art, and live life to the fullest.
Here are presented some print ideas that I am working on. At the moment I am working on mono-prints with recycled materials and found objects. I like the serrendipitousness of the pieces, the use of materials that would otherwise be thrown out, and floating in the ocean or landfill. The images remind me that life is ephemeral, and that what we do, and how we live is important. Unraveled is a feeling- as much as the materials involved in producing the image.